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Price: $149.00

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Course Description

The Divine Money Attraction – Be The Magnet To Financial Abundance Program is going to help you shift from financial struggle and a less than abundant financial experience into an abundant, and wealthy experience. 

Using the system, which you will discover in this program, will allow you to uncover what is truly standing in your way of allowing in, and experiencing greater financial abundance. You will also learn proven processes that will help you let go of anything that is no longer serving you and keeping you from experiencing abundance, where you get to heal your past, and heal your money blocks once and for all.

Be sure to be ready for all the miracles and abundance that will come to you as you start going through this program and shedding all the things that are no longer serving you and finally stepping into the light and into the light of abundance.

Program Overview

Week ONE: It Starts With A Story!

  • Uncovering your negative money story that is blocking your ability to experience greater financial abundance. This sets the foundation for the powerful work we are going to be doing in this program.
  • Receive four simple, yet powerful and proven processes for managing your energy and shifting your beliefs, so you can easily become aligned with the abundance you wish to attract into your life.  
  • Learn how to implement a daily process to support you on this journey so you can easily manage your energy and stay centered as you create greater abundance for yourself
  • Gain crystal clarity of how your current money story has been limiting your financial well being and how to set the stage to rewriting your liming money story into a powerful and abundant story.
  • Receive a powerful Money Story Activation to start shifting your energy around money and start allowing in greater abundance right away.

Week TWO: Uncovering The Shadows Of Limitations

  • Here we are going to take a deep dive into your past to uncover the root cause of your money blocks and resistance to financial abundance so you can start releasing these blocks once and for all.
  • Discover a powerful process to release any resistance in uncovering the root causes of your money challenges. Doing this release work will assist you in going beneath the surface to truly uncover what is standing in your way of experiencing greater wealth and financial abundance.

Week THREE: Saying Goodbye To What No Longer Serves You

  • Starting the healing process of letting go of the resistance, releasing your money blocks once and for all and shifting your energy around money so you can start attracting and allowing in more money with ease
  • Discover powerful healing processes to heal those icky money blocks easily and effortlessly, but most of all, for good. With different processes to choose from, you will be sure to let go of even the most intense money blocks.
  • Experience a sense of relieve as you start releasing the negative energies around money and from your past, where you will feel as if a heavy weight has been lifted off your shoulders. This will give you a sense of freedom and excitement for the lighter energy around money.
  • At this point you most likely will already start experiencing exciting changes around your financial situation, maybe more clients, or even unexpected money miracles.

Week FOUR: Activating Your Abundance With Confidence And Ease

  • Discover new and exciting ways to create greater financial abundance in your life, so you can open yourself up for even more possibilities and even more abundance in all areas of your life.
  • Defining, and anchor in your new money story that is exciting, empowering, and supporting your new vision for your abundant life moving forward so you can become aligned to the abundance that is just waiting for you to claim it.
  • Become in complete alignment with your divine, abundant self and connect with the higher guidance to help you along the way of allowing in miracles for greater abundance.
  • Gain a sense of clarity and direction as well as the confidence that great financial abundance is truly possible which will allow you to feel empowered moving forward and take the aligned actions that are necessary to co-create the new vision you have for yourself and your financial future.
  • Start seeing a positive effect on your success, your business, and most of all your finances that will have you excited for what more is truly possible for you moving forward.
  • Receive a powerful activation to activate your abundance code to kick-start your ability to manifest even greater financial abundance with ease.
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